Sunday, September 22, 6-9 PM
Join us September 22 for a special evening of celebrating your purpose and destiny in God.
The evening will include worship, stories, time of reflection, and prayer.
Come let God's presence transform you to fulfill your destiny.
Claim your free ticket.
See Terms and Conditions below.
For those using mobile devices please scan the QR code and follow the instructions.

(Frequently Asked Questions)
1. What should I wear to the event?
Outdoors in late September can be cool in the evenings. Long pants, long sleeves, enclosed foot ware, and a light jacket should keep you comfortable for the event.
2. Will food be available at the event?
No food available at the event. Please eat before arriving at the event.
3. Will water be provided at the event?
Yes, bottled water will be provided.
4. How should I prepare myself for the event?
You should come expecting to receive from the Lord Jesus. What is your deepest need or desire at this time in your life? He wants to be your closest friend, your guide, your helper, and your comforter throughout life. Prepare to receive.
5. What will happen in case of inclement weather?
The event will be postponed and rescheduled to the following week, Sunday, September 29, 6 - 9 PM. Those who have preregistered will receive an email an hour before the event confirming the change.
For other questions or more information, please contact Elizabeth Lundeen at 816-493-8714 or elizabeth.lundeen05@gmail.com
Terms and Conditions
All participants in events held at Clear Creek Ministries Event Center agree to the terms and conditions of Clear Creek Ministries, Inc. (CCM).
Participants agree to indemnify and hold harmless CCM, its directors and officers from any claims, damages, or legal actions arising from the participant’s use of the event center. CCM is not liable for any injuries, damages, or losses incurred by participants at the event.
The participants assume responsibility for any injury, damage, or loss that may occur to them personally at the event.
Participants understand and agree that CCM may take photos or videos of them. As participants they consent to use by CCM any images taken of them during the event for their website and promotional materials.
Sound System
est. cost - $15,000
An exceptional opportunity was presented to us. A professional quality sound system with capabilities for large outdoor event venues came up for sale. The seller graciously donated half the value of the sound system. (A half price deal) We are currently raising the funds to make the purchase. Approximately $15,000. Our project is to acquire the sound system. Please consider donating to the sound system project.

Lake Renovation
est. cost - $50,000
The lake edge needs erosion control. This project requires silt removal and reinforcement of the banks with riprap. A section of the shoreline has been designated for beach and a baptismal. This section will be cleaned, smoothed, and finished with a layer of sand. The estimated costs for the lake renovation are $50,000. Please consider donating to this important project.